Laid Back Breastfeeding

or Biological Nurturing . Truely the easiest way to breastfeed - but because its so easy , people are sceptical about it. Heres what I said on a private form last year ( when I was a sceptic :) ) 
 I took a leap of faith this morning and tried biological nurturing
with a mum and baby . Mum had sore nipples , very anxious tense mum
but baby was great. It was pretty amazing - fabulous latch , the baby
looked soo comfortable and the mum couldnt believe there was no pain.
I was just relieved it worked :)
I hope I instilled enough confidence in her that she needs to do
nothing except lie back , be comfortable and let her baby do the work
...Im still smiling .
And guess what - if you open the latest edition of the Womanly Art of Breastfeeding  you will find that quote aswell as a great chapter on Laid Back Breastfeeding .
And here's the recipe from Suzanne Colsons website ( the founder of BN )

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